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Careers Adviser Group Sessions

On 27th May and 10th June, our Year 7 and Year 8 students had insightful group sessions with our external careers adviser Mr Young. 

This group session was an opportunity to explain the role of the careers adviser, to reflect on where the students were today and to think about where they might be in the future. 
They also considered the skills that are required in different careers and the skills which they may need to acquire in the future. The session also aimed to encourage classes to consider non-financial and other lifestyle factors when making educational and career plans. 

As our students progress through their educational journey at Vanguard, they will build more complex career-related knowledge and skills over the coming years.  Well done to all students for being active learners and contributing to class discussions!
If you have any queries about your child’s career education or would like further careers-related information and support, please get in touch with Miss Rahman (Careers Education Lead)